We are working hard to provide customer satisfaction and optimal service.
Coating films that change the world with innovation
Creating value for the future to make life more convenient and beautiful
Interconix Co., Ltd. develops and produces new material coating films in the fields of displays, automobiles, semiconductors, and smartphones through unique creativity and continuous research and development in the field of next-generation high-performance coating films.
We are constantly challenging ourselves by securing unrivaled competitiveness in the realization of products with the highest performance and continuous research and development combined with high-performance coding new materials required in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution based on the cutting-edge future IoT.
We are developing businesses in various industries such as rapidly changing materials for IT displays, functional materials suitable for the era of electric vehicles and AI autonomous driving, semiconductor materials, and solar-related materials.
Management philosophy
    We offer differentiated products
    with a unique perspective.
    We will take the lead in the
    development of new materials with
    the attitude of becoming the best.
    We always pursue new ideas
    and innovation.
Interconics Co., Ltd. is recording a milestone in the history of the component materials field by registering and commercializing dozens of patents in the field of precision coating related to IT materials.

We will continue to strive to improve the quality of life for our customers based on trust, with the top priority of providing unique source technologies in the field of cutting-edge IT electronic materials and innovative products required for the next-generation high-tech material industry.

Recognizing the value of unique products in line with changing times, and with the determination to provide only the best products to customers, we are always taking the lead in developing new products with a spirit of challenge and continuing innovation with new ideas. Interconix Co., Ltd. will grow together with customers with the management philosophy of CREATIVE, CHALLENGE, and INNOVATION.
  • Company Name Meaning
    INTER-: ~into (prefix) CO-: COATING (coating, pursuing highly functional coating products)
    -N-: The meaning of N in the pronunciation of and. -IX: It is the ending of MATRIX, -IX, and means that everything you imagine becomes reality through the ‘Matrix.’
    The meaning of INTERCONIX is that it is a company that takes on the challenge with creativity and passion to create highly functional coatings for new materials of the next generation dream.
  • Meaning of logo symbol
    The infinity of the logo symbol is a symbol of COATING's initials CO and symbolizes the endless challenge of functional coatings with infinite creativity and energy. It also symbolizes the continuous operation in which films of various materials are unwound and coated.
    The ‘color dot’, which is a different color of the i, is a symbolic meaning of ultimately achieving the goal of developing high-performance new materials and establishing ourselves as the best.